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Christopher Donoghue

Professor, Sociology, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dickson Hall 312
B.A., Seton Hall University
M.A., Montclair State University
Ph.D., Fordham University
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Christopher Donoghue '99 (he, him, his) is a Professor of Sociology. He also directs the Master's in Social Research and Analysis, and the Certificates in Customer and User Experience Research (CX/UX Research) and Data Collection & Management. He earned his Ph.D. in Sociology at Fordham University and his Master's at Montclair State University.

He is the Editor of The Sociology of Bullying: Power, Status and Aggression Among Adolescents (2022, NYU Press) and the co-author of Statistics: A Tool for Social Research and Data Analysis, 11th Edition with Joseph Healey (2020, Cengage).

Donoghue's research on social psychological topics in education has been published in Journal of Adolescence, Sex Education, Sociological Studies of Children & Youth, Children and Schools, Qualitative Research in Education, Sociological Forum, The Social Science Journal, Multicultural Education and The Journal of Emotional Education.

His work on health, disability and long term care has also been published in The Gerontologist, Research on Aging, The Journal of Applied Gerontology, Health Care Management Review, The Journal of Health and Social Policy and Disability and Society.

Since 2001, he has taught courses in sociology at the graduate and undergraduate levels, including the Sociology of Education, Poverty & Social Welfare Policy, Statistics, Survey Research and Research Project Management.

Selected Publications:

Donoghue, Christopher & C.J. Pascoe. (2023) “A Sociology of Bullying: Placing Youth Aggression in Social Context.” Sociology Compass, e13071.

Donoghue, Christopher & Lisa Meltzer. (2018) “Sleep it off: bullying and sleep disturbances in adolescents.” Journal of Adolescence, 68, 87-93.

Donoghue, Christopher, Consuelo Bonillas, Jeniffer Moreno, Omara Cardoza and Melissa Cheung. (2017) "Young people's perceptions of advice about sexual risk taking." Sex Education, 17, 1, 73-85.

Raia-Hawrylak, Alicia and Christopher Donoghue. (2016) "Assessing the Impact of Emerging Anti-bullying Legislation on Children and Youth." Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, 20, 167-184.

Donoghue, Christopher and Alicia Raia-Hawrylak. (2016) "Moving Beyond the Emphasis on Bullying: A Generalized Approach to Peer Aggression in High School." Children and Schools, 38, 1, 30-39.

Donoghue, Christopher, Dina Rosen, Angela Almeida, and David Brandwein. (2015) "When is Peer Aggression 'Bullying?' An Analysis of Elementary and Middle School Student Discourse on Bullying at School." Qualitative Research in Education, 4, 1, 26-44.

Donoghue, Christopher, Angela Almeida, David Brandwein, Gabriela Rocha, and Ian Callahan. (2014) "Coping With Verbal and Social Bullying in Middle School." International Journal of Emotional Education, 6, 2, 40-53.

Parrillo, Vincent and Christopher Donoghue. (2013) "The National Social Distance Survey: Ten Years Later." Sociological Forum, 28, 13, 597-614.

Donoghue, Christopher and David Brandwein. (2012) “Improving Cultural Competence by Teaching Multicultural Education" Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, 8, 2, 1-19.

Brandwein, David and Christopher Donoghue. (2011) "A Multicultural Grassroots Effort to Reduce Ethnic & Racial Social Distance among Middle School Students." Multicultural Education, 19, 38-43.

Donoghue, Christopher. (2010) “Nursing Home Staff Turnover and Retention: An Analysis of National Level Data.” Journal of Applied Gerontology, 29, 89-106.

Donoghue, Christopher and Nicholas Castle. (2009) “Leadership Styles of Nursing Home Administrators and Their Association with Staff Turnover.” The Gerontologist, 49, 166-174.

Donoghue, Christopher and Nicholas Castle. (2007) “Organizational and Environmental Effects on Voluntary and Involuntary Turnover.” Health Care Management Review, 32, 4, 360-369.

Donoghue, Christopher and Nicholas Castle. (2007) “Leadership Qualities of Nursing Home Administrators.” Long Term Care Interface, 8, 5, 32-36.

Donoghue, Christopher and Peter Stein. (2007) “Diversity in Adult Experiences and Criteria for Adulthood Among Young People.” College Student Journal, 41, 4, 831-842.

Donoghue, Christopher and Nicholas Castle. (2006) “Voluntary and Involuntary Nursing Home Staff Turnover.” Research on Aging, 28, 454-472.

Donoghue, Christopher. (2006) “The Percentage of Beds Designated for Medicaid in American Nursing Homes and Nurse Staffing Ratios.” The Journal of Health and Social Policy, 22, 1, 19-28.

Parrillo, Vincent and Christopher Donoghue. (2005) “Updating the Bogardus Social Distance Studies: A New National Survey.” The Social Science Journal, 42, 2, 257-271.

Donoghue, Christopher. (2003) “Challenging the Authority of the Medical Definition of Disability: An Analysis of the Resistance to the Social Constructionist Paradigm.” Disability and Society, 18, 199-208.
