Frequently Asked Questions
- Is there an “order” to the course work in the major or any prerequisites?
- Yes! Try to take some lower-numbered courses (100-200 level) before the higher-numbered courses (300-400 level) because lower-numbered courses teach you concepts and skills needed to understand information taught in higher-numbered courses.
All required Sociology courses have prerequisites:
Course Prerequisites SOCI-201 Foundations of Sociological Inquiry Check Course Catalog SOCI-240 Statistics for Social Research Check Course Catalog SOCI-301 Sociological Research Methods I Check Course Catalog SOCI-313 Sociological Theory: Critical Analysis Check Course Catalog SOCI-400 Senior Research Project Check Course Catalog - How do I get into a closed course?
- You must ask the instructor of the closed Sociology course and obtain their permission to add the course.
- How do I declare or change my major or minor?
- Complete an Undergraduate Change of Major/Minor Form. Bring it to the Sociology Office in Dickson 304 and get it signed by the Sociology chairperson.
Students are not permitted to add or change a major or minor once they have filed for graduation.
- Can I take a course at another institution while I am a Montclair Student?
- Yes. Follow the instructions on the Request for Work at Another Institution form. Bring it to the Sociology Office in Dickson 304 and get it signed by the Sociology chairperson.
- Am I required to repeat a course in which I obtained a grade of “F”?
- If the course is required for graduation, then it MUST be repeated.
- Can I take any graduate level courses before I finish my undergraduate degree?
- Yes. Students with 105 credits completed and a GPA of at least 3.0 may apply to take a graduate course. Graduate courses may be taken either for undergraduate credit at the undergraduate rate of tuition or graduate credit at the graduate rate of tuition. Contact the Sociology Office to request a permit to take a graduate course in a Sociology program such as the MA in Social Research & Data Analysis or go to another department to make a request for one of their programs.
- When can I apply to one of the Sociology Graduate Programs?
- Starting in 2021, students with 75 credits completed can apply early to the MA in Social Research & Data Analysis. Visit the 5-year Combined BA/MA Program Page for information on this opportunity. Or apply for the MA in Social Research & Data Analysis or the Graduate Certificate in Data Collection and Management in the final year of your undergraduate studies.
- How do I find my faculty advisor?
- You can login into NEST and check your Degree Works to find your advisor’s name. Contact the Sociology Department at or 973-655-5263 or visit us in Dickson 304 if you need help finding yours.
- Do I need my advisor’s signature in order to register for courses?
- We highly recommend that you speak to your advisor before registering for courses, but this is only required for first year students.
- Is there a limit to the number of courses I can take in any one semester?
- Full-time students cannot take more than 19 credits per semester. However, you may seek special permission to exceed 19 credits by completing the Credit Overload Application and submitting it to the Sociology Office.
- How can I register for an Independent Study?
- Ask at the Sociology Office about this kind of opportunity.
- How do I know if I have everything I need to graduate?
- Visit our Apply to Graduate page for full instructions and important deadlines.
- Where can I learn about things like adding or dropping a course, pass/fail grading, getting my transcripts, withdrawing from a course, or withdrawing from the University?
- Visit the Registrar’s website for information on these and other related topics.
- Where do I go for questions about University Billing or tuition?
- For billing and tuition visit the University’s Bills and Payment page. Or go to the Financial Aid website.
- For all other questions, ask us at the Sociology Office or enter your topic into the search on the right side of the Montclair State University Home Page.
- Or contact the Sociology Department at or 973-655-5263, or visit us in Dickson 304.